ETS2020 Tallinn, Estonia
25th IEEE European Test Symposium
May 25 - June 1, 2020
Tallinn, ESTONIA


How the virtual ETS will work

ETS'20 virtual conference portal will open on May 25.

The *live* Opening Session will take place on Monday, May 25 at 2pm CEST
A *live* Keynote will be presented directly after the Opening Session

  • can view all presentations for Keynotes, Scientific Papers, Special Sessions, Embedded Tutorials, Industrial Case Studies and Hot Topics, PhD Forum, and the McCluskey Doctoral Thesis Award semi-finals
  • can ask their questions and participate in the in the online Discussion Forum
Authors and presenters
  • should monitor the Discussion Forum from May 25 to June 1
  • answer any questions coming up
Topic chairs
  • are moderators of the Scientific Papers sessions
The best paper
  • will be awarded based on the award Selection Committee's decision
  • the short-listed candidates are indicated in the Technical Program
  • attendees are encouraged to challenge the candidates through the online Discussion Forum

Access to the Virtual ETS Conference System will be granted after the registration.

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